Comments System
Access your blog Layout > click Edit link. add below shortcodes in the html/javascript area.
[blogger] for blogger comments
[facebook] for facebook comments
[disqus] for disqus comments
you can add one system, two or three as you like and with arrangement you want for example:
Go to Layout > Social Counter Area > Click on Edit > and follow this steps below.
On "New Site Name" fild1 field add Social Name [Social Counter].
And on "New Site URL" fild2 field add your Social Url.
Exemple: Only this Socials Supported !
facebook count=3.5k;
twitter count=1.7k;
Recent/Random Post Widget
Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on html/javascript widget.
Now if paste the below id's to make the widget appear
Note:- just add any one of the above.
Image Example:
Label Based Slider widget
Access your blog Layout > click Edit link(carousel). add your desired label in the html/javascript area.
like this.
Image Example
Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Social Top widget.
Icons Available { facebook, twitter, gplus, linkedin, instagram, pinterest }
Image Example:
Social Counter